石榴籽·同心圆 | 藏族:唐卡,藏文化的视觉密码|漆画|绘画|艺术
每逢雪顿节之时,巨幅唐卡画像被高高挂起,展露容颜。 During the Shoton Festival, giant Tangka portraits are hung high, revealing their magnificent appearance. 唐卡,是藏族文化中一种独具特色的绘画艺术形式,内容以宗教题材为主,也有展现藏族历史、民俗等方面的内容。 Thangka is a unique form of painting in Tibetan culture, primarily focused on religious themes but also encompassing aspects of Tibetan history, customs, and more. 精湛绝伦的画作,离不开画师的那一双巧手。每一幅唐卡的创作,都从精心勾勒的草图开始,画师用轻柔而精准的笔触,描绘出人物的轮廓和神态,再将颜料层层浸染在画布上。 The exquisite and unparalleled artwork of thangka is inseparable from the skillful hands of the painters. Every creation of thangka begins with meticulously sketched outlines, as the artists delicately and precisely depict the contours and expressions of the figures. Layer by layer, the colors are infused onto the canvas. 唐卡的色彩为什么璀璨夺目?关键就在这些颜料上,几乎每一种颜色对应的都是纯天然的矿物质,诸如金、珍珠、绿松石等,精心研磨而成,经久而不衰。 The reason why thangka paintings are so vibrant and dazzling lies in the pigments used. Almost every color used in thangka corresponds to a natural mineral, such as gold, pearl, turquoise, and more. These pigments are meticulously ground and prepared, resulting in hues that remain vivid and enduring over time. 唐卡绘制工艺极其复杂,甚至要数年累月才能完成一幅,细节之处方见画师的功力和倾注的心血。可以说,唐卡对于画师来说,不仅是绘画艺术,也是一场心灵的修行,更是传承千年的文化坚守。 The craftsmanship of thangka painting is exceedingly intricate, often taking years to complete a single piece. The mastery and dedication of the artist can be seen in every minute detail. Thangka painting is not only a form of artistic expression but also a spiritual journey for the artist, embodying a millennia-old cultural tradition. 今天,唐卡在发展中也觅得了新的机遇,古老的“漆画”技艺和唐卡二者融合成新的艺术形态。得益于年轻唐卡画师的创新和福建省援藏工作的支持,“唐卡漆画”从无到有,呈现了民族之间“美的交融”,也为当地的老百姓们带去了实实在在的收益。 Today, thangka art has found new opportunities amid development, as the ancient techniques of lacquer painting and thangka merge to create a new artistic form. Thanks to the innovation of young thangka painters and the support from the Fujian Province’s aid program to Tibet, the art of “thangka lacquer painting” has emerged, showcasing the fusion of beauty between different ethnic groups and bringing tangible benefits to the local people.
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